How much are the fees?
Every new student is invited to join one free trial class before registering.

Half Term (6 weeks):

Full Term (12 weeks):

How do I book a term of classes?
Bookings can be done via this link:

How do I book a free trial?
Click on this link to book a free trial for your child

Does my child need a uniform?
We are an inclusive organisation with an open minded ethos. Hence, we do not expect children to wear a specific uniform but ask them to wear comfortable clothing that they can move well in. Once signed up, we recommend children wear ballet shoes for their ballet classes - please get in touch if you like some help with buying a suitable pair for your child.

Are ballet classes for girls only?
Our ballet classes are of inclusive nature, which is why we welcome boys as much as girls to join our classes.

Can I take photos or videos of my child’s dance class?
Yes, you are welcome to take pictures or videos of your child in class, but we kindly ask to keep them for private use only.

Do you offer ballet exams?
We do not offer ballet exams as our focus lies on learning in an environment that suits each group individually. We believe that learning can take place best in a safe environment that is free of pressure.
We do, however, celebrate each child’s achievements in form of a yearly performance for family and friends.

Will there be an opportunity to watch my child’s dance class?
Yes, there will be three parents watching days a year on which we welcome parents to watch their children in class, see what we have worked on and what the children have learned.

Do I have to stay nearby for the duration of my child’s dance class?
We ask parents to stay within the premises, if possible, in case of an emergency.

Do you accept drop ins?
We welcome new students for a trial class but do not accept drop ins after a trial class. This is to ensure consistency for the children and the groups.